Friday, October 12, 2007

The Case of the Writer Who Quit Smoking

Maybe I can have my swim and smoke it too?
I really should be spending this time writing my column for the paper, but I have absolutely NO ideas, inspiration or desire to be PC right now. This is my third day not smoking and I think my brains have started to ooze out of my newly opened sinuses. Yes, I've decided to get off the hammock and do something good for my body, so I smoked my last cigarette and joined our local "aquatics club." I've replaced filling my lungs with smoke by filling them with over-chlorinated pool water. It's been a rewarding trade off. The ultra-strong jets in the jacuzzi are almost more pleasing than inhaling, and I feel so clean after hours in the pool that I hate to think of ruining myself with the disgusting smell of tobacco. And cloves. Ooooh. Aaahhh. Cloves. Ummmm.
Well, swimming has been a nice distraction from smoking, but it's raining today and I want a cigarette so bad I'm about to chew my fingers off. Maybe I should just go swim in the cold rain. But....

Today is one of the days I've been waiting to enjoy for a long time now. Every day that I sat working at my desk and watching the rain fall outside my window, I wished I could be at home, curled on the couch with my leopard blanket watching old movies while eating warm brownies fresh out of the oven. Well, I've got my blanket, some brownies, and Perry Mason comes on in 7 minutes. Hopefully that will suffice.